Saint Damien

Saint Damien of Molokai was a missionary priest who ministered to lepers in Hawaii. He was given the task of working with highly contagious people. The love with which he treated the lepers is still inspiring today! He is a wonderful saint to pray to when feeling like an outcast in society.

St. Damien’s Feast Day: May 10

St. Damien of Molokai is the patron saint of lepers. He is also a highly regarded figure in Hawaii. Though his patronage is very specific, anyone who feels alone or outcast will especially like this saint. St. Damien was a wonderful example of Christlike love to those who were considered different. His work with the lepers of Molokai made him a saint because of the overwhelming love he showed them. St. Damien is a natural choice for those who suffer from leprosy, illness, or quarantine. He is also beloved by Hawaiians.


Dear God of all the living, you sent your Son Jesus to heal us from illness and sin. We turn to his healing power in this time of anxiety over the pandemic of this potentially deadly virus. St. Damien and St. Marianne Cope dedicated their lives to service of those who had an infectious disease. St. Marianne Cope said, “I am not afraid of any disease,” because she was confident of your power to save. At the same time, she took prudent precautions of hygiene to assure that she and her Sisters would not be infected. Let us learn from this example to put our trust in you to save us from the ravages of disease and to take prudent measures to prevent its spread. Guide us to know when to isolate ourselves from the possibility of infection, but never let anyone be left without the care and concern of others in the community. As our Diocese of Honolulu has been dedicated to the Divine Mercy, we pray with confidence, “Jesus, I trust in you.”

St. Damien of Molokai Novena Prayers

Thank you Lord Jesus for the powerful witness of love that you provided in St. Damien of Molokai. I pray that I will have the same love toward all I meet, especially those who are different than me.

St. Damien, you were a spiritual minister and leader to people with leprosy. Thus, you were not too proud to work with the most outcast members of society. Help me to remember those in my own life and culture who are seen as outsiders. Remind me to invite them into my world to make them feel welcome and respected.

Keep me from treating those who are different as unworthy of love and respect. Help me to remember that all people are equal in God’s eyes.

As the patron of lepers, I bring to you in my heart all those who suffer from terminal illnesses and all of those who feel outcast from society in some way. Please also pray for these intentions I hold in my heart:

(State your intentions here)

St. Damien, Pray for Us!

Saint Damien Prayer

Damien, brother on the journey, happy and generous missionary, who loved the Gospel more than your own life, who for love of Jesus left your family, your homeland, your security and your dreams.

Teach us to give our lives with joy like yours, to be in solidarity with the outcasts of our world, to celebrate and contemplate the Eucharist as the source of our own commitment.

Help us to love to the very end and, in the strength of the Spirit, to persevere in compassion for the poor and forgotten so that we might be good disciples of Jesus and Mary.



Father of mercy, who gave us in Saint Damien a shining witness of love for the poorest and most abandoned, grant that, by his intercession, as faithful witnesses of the heart of your Son Jesus, we too may be servants of the most needy and rejected. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

Saint Damien Intercessory Prayer

Oh Saint Damien, enlightened by the Holy Spirit and moved by the sorrows of the poor, you dedicated yourself tirelessly to the service of the lepers and became one like them. In doing so, your embraced their God-given dignity to the last minutes of your priestly life, regardless of many trials and su󰀨erings. Since then, your name has become a great inspiration for countless people throughout the world. We, touched, by your self-sacrice, beseech you to help us follow your footsteps in sharing our time, energy, talents, and other God-endowed gifts with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. Now you have been gloried with Jesus Christ in the Heavenly Kingdom. We ask you to continue interceding for us before our loving and caring God, that we may have the gift of faith in Him, humility and the courage to bring love and healing to our poor brothers and sister in the world. Amen.

Praying 9-Day Novena St. Damien of Molokai

Opening Prayer: Saint Damien, you ministered to those in despair and isolation. I call upon you to open my heart and mind, to care for the poor, the sick, the weary, and those forgotten. Bestow upon me the inner strength of faith, and unconditional compassion to be a disciple of Christ. I come before you a humble servant of God, please bless me with the spirit of your love and instil in me the touch of healing and grace that you yourself possessed. Amen.

FIRST DAY: Dear St Damien, you were sent away to school in a region where you didn’t speak the language and people tried to bully you because of it. We pray for those who are bullied whether at school or at work or in whatever situation. May they emulate you in not accepting it. We pray especially for (mention your request). Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

SECOND DAY: Dear St Damien, you loved your parents but you loved God more. You knew God was calling you to the priesthood and you answered that call although you knew your parents had other hopes of you. May we put God rst and never refuse his call because of any other attachment. We pray especially for (mention your request). Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

THIRD DAY: Dear St Damien, you gave up family, country and language to go and evangelize, knowing that you would never see your home or family again. Accord us something of your courage and clear-sightedness. We pray especially for (mention your request). Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Praying 9-Day Novena St. Damien of Molokai

FOURTH DAY: Dear St Damien, in Hawaii you worked tirelessly, giving everything to make Christ known. We pray that we can value our faith as much as you did. We pray especially for (mention your request). Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

FIFTH DAY: Dear St Damien, when you went to Molokai you were prepared to give up your life to serve others. Help us to understand this Christian love and begin to desire it for ourselves. We pray especially for (mention your request). Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

SIXTH DAY: Dear St Damien, when you rst arrived in the leper colony you were revolted by the patients, but you didn’t let them see this and continued to work for them. We pray to have this spirit so we can put others rst, thinking of their needs and feelings rather than our own. We pray especially for (mention your request). Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

SEVENTH DAY: Dear St Damien, you didn’t deal well with bureaucracy and often o󰀨ended people by your brusqueness. You had to learn to ask forgiveness. May we never think God cannot use us because of our character, and may we too have the humility to ask pardon of those we have o󰀨ended. We pray especially for (mention your request). Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

EIGHTH DAY: Dear St Damien, you su󰀨ered greatly on Molokai because you were cut o󰀨 from the sacraments, especially the sacrament of reconciliation. May we understand the importance of this sacrament and have recourse to it often. We pray especially for (mention your request). Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

NINETH DAY: Dear St Damien, you su󰀨ered terrible loneliness and turned to the Blessed Sacrament for comfort. We pray for all who are lonely. Help us to give time to anyone we know who is lonely, and to give time to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. We pray especially for (mention your request). Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

CLOSING PRAYER: God, our Father, we give thanks for Damien, our brother. Following Jesus, Your Son, he went to the lepers of Molokai, he became one of them even onto death; he showed them that You love them; he gave them back the pride of being human, and the hope of a future. Therefore, we ask You; may we be resurrected by Your Spirit to walk in the footsteps of Damien, to be animated by the same faith. Open our eyes, open our hearts, that we might go to all those abandoned, ignored, forgotten. Obtain that through us they may discover who You are. Raise up men and women ready to follow the road he has walked. This is the prayer that we address to You, Father full of tenderness and love, You, our God, always and for all eternity. Amen

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